Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten Registration/Sign Up was today. Or, what I like to call "Kindergarten SIGH Up!"

*SIGH, my girls can not be old enough to go to kindergarten!

*SIGH, we're perfectly happy the way we are!

*SIGH, my little girls will no longer be available to me on a whim to go play, just because I'm off work and I want to!
*SIGH, there goes our long weekends!

*SIGH, there goes our Friday to Monday adventurous out of town getaways 8 months out of the year!

But most of all, *SIGH*, I don't want them to grow up so fast and gain so much independence that, well .... they don't need me for every little thing! I LIKE that they need me. I LIKE that they always want me around. Kindergarten will corrupt them! Someone will surely tell them it is not cool to want to be with your mother! And, by the way, I want the name of THAT kid!

But, like it or not, they are turning 5 and ... they are READY. They are so smart, so social. They are ready for the next step. Reading, math, music, art -- they are more than ready. But I'm not. And I'm afraid whether school started at 5 years old or 15 years old, I wouldn't be ready to say goodbye to these sweet, sweet baby, toddler and preschool years we've had. We've had so, SO much fun. Flipping though photo albums and postcard albums -- the fun we've managed to fit into 5 years is astounding. It doesn't have to end right? Just a new kind of fun! Summer Fun. After Homework Is Done Fun. And When Mom is the Only Option Left Fun -- after all the school friends have gone home for the day. A NEW kind of fun.

I'll take what I can get with these two. And, you'd better believe I'm making the most out of this last summer before the official start of school!

For the record, they, too, are reluctant to say goodbye to the preschool years. Or at least that's what they say. But, you'll see smiles in the photos up there -- as they get ready to walk into their new big kid school -- that may just indicate their reluctancy is all quite a show for mom and dad -- because they are READY!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

What's That Blue Sign, Anyway?

The girls were coming out of the house today to load up in the car and go to pre-k. As they walked out, Maggie looked at the ADT Security Sign (which has been in our front landscaping for months now) and said, "Daddy, why's that blue sign in our yard?". Chris told both Grace and Maggie that the sign was there in case anyone thought about breaking in to our home and taking things. That sign would tell them that we'd catch them and they'd be in big trouble. Maggie thought about that for a couple minutes, then said, "what about the Easter Bunny? He broke in."

Chris said, "well yes, but that's okay. Mommy and Daddy like for the Easter Bunny to come in and leave you treats. The Easter Bunny knows it's okay." She accepted that. As they were pulling out of the driveway, Grace piped up and said, "what about Santa Claus? I suppose you told him it was okay to break in too?"


Trip to Illinois/St. Louis

It's springtime! It's one of my favorite times of year. Sure, the birds are chirping, flowers are popping up, things are turning green instead of brown -- but my most favorite reason to love spring is our annual trip to visit our much loved Illinois family! As usual, we had a great time with Lea, Kenny, Sean, Maryssa, Rebecca and Ojo. We always leave there wishing we lived closer -- and that these visits could be more often than a couple times a year. But, we're grateful for the time we do get, and, we tend to enjoy every minute of it since it doesn't come often! In addition to playing around the house and yard and just spending time visiting, this year we also visited the City Museum, which was a HUGE hit with the girls. It was loads of fun and we didn't manage to come close to seeing or doing everything there! I'm sure we'll be back! Enjoy these photos and video clips from the Museum!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Bow

Goodbye Tiara ... Hello Bow!

Maggie has ditched the tiara, for now, and replaced it with a pink bow. This pink bow. It has to be THIS EXACT ONE. Not just any pink bow will do. And, what's more, it HAS to be in the center of her forehead -- down as low as possible -- where "no hair is, Mommy".

I don't think she's realized that you have to have hair there to clip the bow into place ...

Funny little girl. She always has a great need to accessorize! I think that's how she chooses to showcase her individuality -- since Mom tends to dress her and twin sister, Grace, alike more often than not!